Powerful chlorine free shock. Kills contaminates, clarifies, kill algae and prevents stains! Quick dissolving formula – swim immediately after treatment.
- Unique formula works with all types of sanitizers: Chlorine, bromine, mineral & saltwater pools. Quick dissolving and it won’t cloud your pool water.
- Power packed formula eliminates the need for algaecides, sticky clarifiers & stain + rust treatments, as it shocks your pool it kills algae, clarifies and prevents scaling without using harsh chlorine. Dosage 1 LB per 10,000 gallons.
- Works in all types of pools including saltwater. 4 in 1 chlorine free shock won’t raise hardness or cyanuric levels in your pool.
- Chlorine free shock unlocks the sanitizer in your pools water without adding harsh chlorine. Swim immediately after treatment. Works well in pool & spas.